public static interface


Known Indirect Subclasses

Class Overview

Used for receiving updates from universal document conversion when document are opened by by openUniversalDocument(DocumentConversion).


Public Methods
abstract void onConversionEvent(PDFViewCtrl.ConversionState state, int totalPagesConverted)
Called when an update is available.

Public Methods

public abstract void onConversionEvent (PDFViewCtrl.ConversionState state, int totalPagesConverted)

Called when an update is available.

Note that the DocumentConversion passed in as a parameter might be ahead of the PDFViewCtrl in terms of how many pages are converted. This event reports how many pages the PDFViewCtrl is currently aware of.

state - the state of update.
totalPagesConverted The total number of pages converted so far. Only relevant for the @link #CONVERSION_PROGRESS type. Note that pages can be processed in batches, and so the number might not always increase by just 1.