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Obj-C PDF converter (SVG, XPS, TIFF, JPG, TXT, MS Office, more)

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Sample Obj-C code to use Apryse SDK for direct, high-quality conversion between PDF, XPS, SVG, TIFF, PNG, JPEG, and other image formats ('pdftron.PDF.Convert' namespace). The sample also shows how to convert MS Office files using our built in conversion. Learn more about our Obj-C PDF Library and PDF Conversion Library.

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// Copyright (c) 2001-2023 by Apryse Software Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// Consult legal.txt regarding legal and license information.

#import <OBJC/PDFNetOBJC.h>
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>

// The following sample illustrates how to use the PDF::Convert utility class to convert 
// documents and files to PDF, XPS, SVG, or EMF.
// Certain file formats such as XPS, EMF, PDF, and raster image formats can be directly 
// converted to PDF or XPS. Other formats are converted using a virtual driver. To check 
// if ToPDF (or ToXPS) require that PDFNet printer is installed use Convert::RequiresPrinter(filename). 
// The installing application must be run as administrator. The manifest for this sample 
// specifies appropriate the UAC elevation.
// Note: the PDFNet printer is a virtual XPS printer supported on Vista SP1 and Windows 7.
// For Windows XP SP2 or higher, or Vista SP0 you need to install the XPS Essentials Pack (or 
// equivalent redistributables). You can download the XPS Essentials Pack from:
// Windows XP Sp2 will also need the Microsoft Core XML Services (MSXML) 6.0:
// Note: Convert.FromEmf and Convert.ToEmf will only work on Windows and require GDI+.
// Please contact us if you have any questions.

NSArray *testfiles;

@interface Testfile : NSObject {
    NSString *inputFile;
    NSString *outputFile;
    bool requiresWindowsPlatform;
- (instancetype)init: (NSString*) input output: (NSString*) output win: (bool) win NS_DESIGNATED_INITIALIZER;
@property (NS_NONATOMIC_IOSONLY, readonly, copy) NSString *GetInputFile;
@property (NS_NONATOMIC_IOSONLY, readonly, copy) NSString *GetOutputFile;
@property (NS_NONATOMIC_IOSONLY, readonly) bool RequiresWindowsPlatform;

@implementation Testfile

- (Testfile*)init: (NSString*) input output: (NSString*) output win: (bool) win {
    self = [super init];
    inputFile = input;
    outputFile = output;
    requiresWindowsPlatform = win;
    return self;

- (NSString*)GetInputFile {
    return inputFile;

- (NSString*)GetOutputFile {
    return outputFile;

- (bool)RequiresWindowsPlatform {
    return requiresWindowsPlatform;


// convert to/from PDF, XPS, EMF, SVG
int ConvertSpecificFormats() {
    int ret = 0;
    // Start with a PDFDoc to collect the converted documents
    PTPDFDoc *pdfdoc = [[PTPDFDoc alloc] init];
    NSString *outputFile;
    NSString *s1 = @"../../TestFiles/simple-xps.xps";
    NSLog(@"Converting from XPS\n");
    [PTConvert FromXpsWithFilename: pdfdoc in_filename: s1];
    outputFile = @"../../TestFiles/Output/xps2pdf v2.pdf";
    [pdfdoc SaveToFile: outputFile  flags: e_ptremove_unused];
    NSLog(@"Saved %@\n", [outputFile lastPathComponent]);
    // add a dictionary
    PTObjSet *set = [[PTObjSet alloc] init];
    PTObj* options = [set CreateDict];

    // Put options
    [options PutNumber:@"FontSize" value: 15];
    [options PutBool:@"UseSourceCodeFormatting" value: YES];
    [options PutNumber:@"PageWidth" value: 12];
    [options PutNumber:@"PageHeight" value: 6];

    // Convert from .txt file
    outputFile = @"../../TestFiles/Output/simple-text.pdf";
    NSLog(@"Converting from txt");
    [PTConvert FromText:pdfdoc in_filename:@"../../TestFiles/simple-text.txt" in_options: options];
    [pdfdoc SaveToFile: outputFile  flags: e_ptremove_unused];
    NSLog(@"Saved %@\n", [outputFile lastPathComponent]);

    // Convert the two page PDF document to SVG
    PTPDFDoc *doc = [[PTPDFDoc alloc] initWithFilepath:@"../../TestFiles/newsletter.pdf"];
    NSLog(@"Converting pdfdoc to SVG\n");
    outputFile = @"../../TestFiles/Output/pdf2svg v2.svg";
    [PTConvert ToSvgWithPDFDoc: doc in_filename:outputFile in_options: [[PTSVGOutputOptions alloc] init]];
    NSLog(@"Saved %@\n", [outputFile lastPathComponent]);
    // Convert the PNG image to XPS
    NSLog(@"Converting PNG to XPS\n");
    outputFile = @"../../TestFiles/Output/butterfly.xps";
    [PTConvert ToXpsWithFilename: @"../../TestFiles/butterfly.png" in_outputFilename: outputFile options: [[PTXPSOutputOptions alloc] init]];
    NSLog(@"Saved %@\n", [outputFile lastPathComponent]);
    // Convert PDF document to XPS
    NSLog(@"Converting PDF to XPS\n");
    outputFile = @"../../TestFiles/Output/newsletter.xps";
    [PTConvert ToXpsWithFilename: @"../../TestFiles/newsletter.pdf" in_outputFilename: outputFile options: [[PTXPSOutputOptions alloc] init]];
    NSLog(@"Saved %@", [outputFile lastPathComponent]);
    // Convert PDF document to HTML
    NSLog(@"Converting PDF to HTML\n");
    outputFile = @"../../TestFiles/Output/newsletter";
    [PTConvert ToHtmlWithFilename: @"../../TestFiles/newsletter.pdf" out_path: outputFile options: [[PTHTMLOutputOptions alloc] init]];
    NSLog(@"Saved newsletter as HTML\n");
    // Convert PDF document to EPUB
    NSLog(@"Converting PDF to EPUB\n");
    outputFile = @"../../TestFiles/Output/newsletter.epub";
    [PTConvert ToEpubWithFilename: @"../../TestFiles/newsletter.pdf" out_path: outputFile html_options: [[PTHTMLOutputOptions alloc] init] epub_options: [[PTEPUBOutputOptions alloc] init]];
    NSLog(@"Saved %@", [outputFile lastPathComponent]);

    // Convert PDF document to multipage TIFF
    NSLog(@"Converting PDF to multipage TIFF");
    outputFile = @"../../TestFiles/Output/newsletter.tiff";
    PTTiffOutputOptions* tiff_options = [[PTTiffOutputOptions alloc] init];
    [tiff_options SetDPI : 200];
    [tiff_options SetDither: YES];
    [tiff_options SetMono: YES];
    [PTConvert ToTiff: @"../../TestFiles/newsletter.pdf" out_path: outputFile options:tiff_options];
    NSLog(@"Saved %@", [outputFile lastPathComponent]);

    // Convert from .svg file
    NSLog(@"Converting SVG to PDF");
    PTPDFDoc *svgpdfdoc = [[PTPDFDoc alloc] init];
    outputFile = @"../../TestFiles/Output/svg2pdf.pdf";
    [PTConvert FromSVG:svgpdfdoc in_filename:@"../../TestFiles/tiger.svg" opts: NULL];
    [svgpdfdoc SaveToFile: outputFile flags: e_ptremove_unused];
    NSLog(@"Saved %@", [outputFile lastPathComponent]);

    return ret;

// convert from a file to PDF automatically
int ConvertToPdfFromFile() {
    NSString *inputPath = @"../../TestFiles/";
    NSString *outputPath = @"../../TestFiles/Output/";
    int ret = 0;
    unsigned int count = testfiles.count;//sizeof (testfiles) / sizeof (Testfile);
    unsigned int i = 0;
    for (; i < count; i++)
        Testfile *file = testfiles[i];

        if ([file RequiresWindowsPlatform])
        PTPDFDoc *pdfdoc = [[PTPDFDoc alloc] init];
        NSString *inputFile = [inputPath stringByAppendingString: [file GetInputFile]];
        NSString *outputFile = [outputPath stringByAppendingString: [file GetOutputFile]];

        [PTConvert ToPdf: pdfdoc in_filename: inputFile];
        [pdfdoc SaveToFile: outputFile flags: e_ptlinearized];
        NSLog(@"Converted file: %@\n", [inputFile lastPathComponent]);
        NSLog(@"to: %@\n", [outputFile lastPathComponent]);
    return ret;

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    @autoreleasepool {

    testfiles = @[[[Testfile alloc] init: @"simple-word_2007.docx" output: @"docx2pdf.pdf" win: false],
                 [[Testfile alloc] init: @"simple-powerpoint_2007.pptx" output: @"pptx2pdf.pdf" win: false],
                 [[Testfile alloc] init: @"simple-excel_2007.xlsx" output: @"xlsx2pdf.pdf" win: false],
                 [[Testfile alloc] init: @"" output: @"pub2pdf.pdf" win: true],
                 // [[Testfile alloc] init: @"simple-visio.vsd" output: @"vsd2pdf.pdf" win: true], // requires Microsoft Office Visio
                 [[Testfile alloc] init: @"simple-text.txt" output: @"txt2pdf.pdf" win: false],
                 [[Testfile alloc] init: @"simple-rtf.rtf" output: @"rtf2pdf.pdf" win: true],
                 [[Testfile alloc] init: @"butterfly.png" output: @"png2pdf.pdf" win: false],
                 [[Testfile alloc] init: @"simple-emf.emf" output: @"emf2pdf.pdf" win: true],
                 [[Testfile alloc] init: @"simple-xps.xps" output: @"xps2pdf.pdf" win: false],
                 // [[Testfile alloc] init: @"simple-webpage.mht" output: @"mht2pdf.pdf" win: true],
                 [[Testfile alloc] init: @"simple-webpage.html" output: @"html2pdf.pdf" win: true]];

    // The first step in every application using PDFNet is to initialize the
    // library. The library is usually initialized only once, but calling 
    // Initialize() multiple times is also fine.
    int err = 0;

    [PTPDFNet Initialize: 0];
    // Demonstrate Convert::ToPdf and Convert::Printer
    err = ConvertToPdfFromFile();
    if (err)
        NSLog(@"ConvertFile failed\n");
        NSLog(@"ConvertFile succeeded\n");

    // Demonstrate Convert::[FromEmf, FromXps, ToEmf, ToSVG, ToXPS]
    err = ConvertSpecificFormats();
    if (err)
        NSLog(@"ConvertSpecificFormats failed\n");
        NSLog(@"ConvertSpecificFormats succeeded\n");

    [PTPDFNet Terminate: 0];
    return err;