Some test text!

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Add or edit PDF annotations in Obj-C

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Sample Obj-C code to use Apryse SDK for adding or editing PDF annotations. The annotation types included in this sample are: hyperlink, intra-document link, stamp, rubber stamp, file attachment, sound, text, free-text, line, circle, square, polygon, polyline, highlight, squiggly, caret, and ink. Learn more about our Obj-C PDF Library and PDF Annotation Library.

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// Copyright (c) 2001-2023 by Apryse Software Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// Consult legal.txt regarding legal and license information.

#import <OBJC/PDFNetOBJC.h>
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>

//std::string output_path = "../../TestFiles/Output/";
//std::string input_path = "../../TestFiles/";

void AnnotationHighLevelAPI(PTPDFDoc *doc)
    // The following code snippet traverses all annotations in the document
    NSLog(@"Traversing all annotations in the document..."); 

    int page_num = 1;
    PTPageIterator* itr;
    for (itr = [doc GetPageIterator: 1]; [itr HasNext]; [itr Next]) 
        NSLog(@"Page %d: ",  page_num++); 

        PTPage* page = [itr Current];
        int num_annots = [page GetNumAnnots];
        int i = 0;
        for (i=0; i<num_annots; ++i) 
            PTAnnot* annot = [page GetAnnot: i];
            if (![annot IsValid]) continue;
            NSLog(@"Annot Type: %@", [[[[annot GetSDFObj] Get: @"Subtype"] Value] GetName]); 

            PTPDFRect* bbox = [annot GetRect];
            NSNumberFormatter *formatter = [[NSNumberFormatter alloc] init];
            formatter.numberStyle = NSNumberFormatterDecimalStyle;
            formatter.maximumFractionDigits = 4;
            NSString *x1 = [formatter stringFromNumber:[NSNumber numberWithDouble:[bbox GetX1]]];
            NSString *y1 = [formatter stringFromNumber:[NSNumber numberWithDouble:[bbox GetY1]]];
            NSString *x2 = [formatter stringFromNumber:[NSNumber numberWithDouble:[bbox GetX2]]];
            NSString *y2 = [formatter stringFromNumber:[NSNumber numberWithDouble:[bbox GetY2]]];

            NSLog(@"  Position: %s, %s, %s, %s", [x1 UTF8String], [y1 UTF8String], [x2 UTF8String], [y2 UTF8String]);

            switch ([annot GetType]) 
            case e_ptLink: 
                    PTLink *link = [[PTLink alloc] initWithAnn: annot];
                    PTAction* action = [link GetAction];
                    if (![action IsValid])
                    if ([action GetType] == e_ptGoTo) 
                        PTDestination* dest = [action GetDest];
                        if (![dest IsValid]) {
                            NSLog(@"  Destination is not valid\n");
                        else {
                            int page_num = [[dest GetPage] GetIndex];
                            NSLog(@"  Links to: page number %d in this document\n", page_num);
                    else if ([action GetType] == e_ptURI) 
                        NSString *uri = [[[[action GetSDFObj] Get: @"URI"] Value] GetAsPDFText];
                        NSLog(@"  Links to: %@\n", uri);
                    // ...
            case e_ptWidget:
            case e_ptFileAttachment:
                // ...

    // Use the high-level API to create new annotations.
    PTPage *first_page = [doc GetPage:1];

    // Create a hyperlink...
    PTLink *hyperlink = [PTLink CreateWithAction: [doc GetSDFDoc] pos: [[PTPDFRect alloc] initWithX1: 85 y1: 570 x2: 503 y2: 524] action: [PTAction CreateURI: [doc GetSDFDoc] uri: @""]];
    [first_page AnnotPushBack: hyperlink];

    // Create an intra-document link...
    PTAction *goto_page_3 = [PTAction CreateGoto: [PTDestination CreateFitH: [doc GetPage:3] top: 0]];
    PTLink *link = [PTLink CreateWithAction: [doc GetSDFDoc] pos: [[PTPDFRect alloc] initWithX1: 85 y1: 458 x2: 503 y2: 502] action: goto_page_3];

    [link SetColor: [[PTColorPt alloc] initWithX: 0 y:0 z:1 w:0] numcomp: 3];

    // Add the new annotation to the first page
    [first_page AnnotPushBack: link];

    // Create a stamp annotation ...
    PTRubberStamp *stamp = [PTRubberStamp Create: [doc GetSDFDoc] pos: [[PTPDFRect alloc] initWithX1: 30 y1: 30 x2: 300 y2: 200] icon: e_ptDraft];
    [stamp SetRubberStampIconName: @"Draft"];
    [first_page AnnotPushBack: stamp];

    // Create a file attachment annotation (embed the 'peppers.jpg').
    PTFileAttachment *file_attach = [PTFileAttachment CreateFileAttchWithPath: [doc GetSDFDoc] pos:[[PTPDFRect alloc] initWithX1: 80 y1: 280 x2: 108 y2: 320] path: @"../../TestFiles/peppers.jpg" icon_name: e_ptPushPin];
    [first_page AnnotPushBack: file_attach];

    PTInk* ink = [PTInk Create: [doc GetSDFDoc] pos: [[PTPDFRect alloc] initWithX1: 110 y1: 10 x2: 300 y2: 200]];
    PTPDFPoint* pt3 = [[PTPDFPoint alloc] initWithPx: 110 py: 10];
    //pt3.x = 110; pt3.y = 10;
    [ink SetPoint: 0 pointindex: 0 pt: pt3];
    [pt3 setX: 150]; [pt3 setY: 50];
    [ink SetPoint: 0 pointindex: 1 pt: pt3];
    [pt3 setX: 190]; [pt3 setY: 60];
    [ink SetPoint: 0 pointindex: 2 pt: pt3];
    [pt3 setX: 180]; [pt3 setY: 90];
    [ink SetPoint: 1 pointindex: 0 pt: pt3];
    [pt3 setX: 190]; [pt3 setY: 95];
    [ink SetPoint: 1 pointindex: 1 pt: pt3];
    [pt3 setX: 200]; [pt3 setY: 100];
    [ink SetPoint: 1 pointindex: 2 pt: pt3];
    [pt3 setX: 166]; [pt3 setY: 86];
    [ink SetPoint: 2 pointindex: 0 pt: pt3];
    [pt3 setX: 196]; [pt3 setY: 96];
    [ink SetPoint: 2 pointindex: 1 pt: pt3];
    [pt3 setX: 221]; [pt3 setY: 121];
    [ink SetPoint: 2 pointindex: 2 pt: pt3];
    [pt3 setX: 288]; [pt3 setY: 188];
    [ink SetPoint: 2 pointindex: 3 pt: pt3];
    [ink SetColor: [[PTColorPt alloc] initWithX: 0 y: 1 z: 1 w: 0] numcomp: 3];
    [first_page AnnotPushBack: ink];

    //Create a Polygon annotation..
    //Polygon *poly2 = [Polygon Create: doc PDFRect[100, 60, 300, 480]];
    //Point *pllp;
    //poly2.SetVertex(0, pllp);
    //poly2.SetVertex(1, pllp);
    //poly2.SetVertex(2, pllp);
    //poly2.SetVertex(3, pllp);
    //poly2.SetVertex(4, pllp);
    //poly2.SetVertex(5, pllp);
    //poly2.SetColor(ColorPt(0, 0, 1), 3);
    //poly2.SetInteriorColor(ColorPt(1, 0, 0), 3);

    // ...

void AnnotationLowLevelAPI(PTPDFDoc *doc)
    PTPage* page = [doc GetPage: 1];

    PTObj* annots = [page GetAnnots];

    if (!annots) 
        // If there are no annotations, create a new annotation 
        // array for the page.
        annots = [doc CreateIndirectArray];  
        [[page GetSDFObj] Put: @"Annots" obj:annots];

    // Create a Text annotation
    PTObj * annot = [doc CreateIndirectDict];
    [annot PutName: @"Subtype" name: @"Text"];
    [annot PutBool: @"Open" value: YES];
    [annot PutString: @"Contents" value: @"The quick brown fox ate the lazy mouse."];
    [annot PutRect: @"Rect" x1:266 y1:116 x2:430 y2:204];

    // Insert the annotation in the page annotation array
    [annots PushBack:annot ];

    // Create a Link annotation
    PTObj * link1 = [doc CreateIndirectDict];
    [link1 PutName: @"Subtype" name: @"Link"];
    PTDestination *dest = [PTDestination CreateFit: [doc GetPage: 2]];
    [link1 Put: @"Dest" obj:[dest GetSDFObj]];
    [link1 PutRect: @"Rect" x1:85 y1:705 x2:503 y2:661];
    [annots PushBack: link1];

    // Create another Link annotation
    PTObj * link2 = [doc CreateIndirectDict];
    [link2 PutName: @"Subtype" name: @"Link"];
    PTDestination *dest2 = [PTDestination CreateFit: [doc GetPage:3]];
    [link2 Put: @"Dest" obj:[dest2 GetSDFObj]];
    [link2 PutRect: @"Rect" x1:85 y1:638 x2:503 y2:594];
    [annots PushBack: link2];

    // Note that PDFNet API can be used to modify existing annotations. 
    // In the following example we will modify the second link annotation 
    // (link2) so that it points to the 10th page. We also use a different 
    // destination page fit type.

    // link2 = annots.GetAt(annots.Size()-1);
    [link2 Put: @"Dest" obj: [[PTDestination CreateXYZ: [doc GetPage: 10] left:100 top:792-70 zoom:10] GetSDFObj]];

    // Create a third link annotation with a hyperlink action (all other 
    // annotation types can be created in a similar way)
    PTObj * link3 = [doc CreateIndirectDict];
    [link3 PutName: @"Subtype" name: @"Link"];
    [link3 PutRect: @"Rect" x1:85 y1:570 x2:503 y2:524];

    // Create a URI action 
    PTObj * action = [link3 PutDict: @"A"];
    [action PutName: @"S" name: @"URI"];
    [action PutString: @"URI" value: @""];

    [annots PushBack: link3];

void CreateTestAnnots(PTPDFDoc *doc)
    PTElementWriter *ew = [[PTElementWriter alloc] init];
    PTElementBuilder *eb = [[PTElementBuilder alloc] init];
    PTElement *element = [[PTElement alloc] init];

    PTPage *first_page = [doc PageCreate: [[PTPDFRect alloc] initWithX1: 0 y1: 0 x2: 600 y2: 600]];
    [doc PagePushBack: first_page];
    [ew WriterBeginWithPage: first_page placement: e_ptoverlay page_coord_sys: NO compress: NO resources: NULL];    // begin writing to this page
    [ew End];  // save changes to the current page

    // Test of a free text annotation.
        PTFreeText *txtannot = [PTFreeText Create: [doc GetSDFDoc] pos: [[PTPDFRect alloc] initWithX1: 10 y1: 400 x2: 160 y2: 570]];
        [txtannot SetContents: @"\n\nSome swift brown fox snatched a gray hare out of the air by freezing it with an angry glare."
                               "\n\nAha!\n\nAnd there was much rejoicing!"];
        //std::vector<double> dash( 2, 2.0 );
        [txtannot SetBorderStyle: [[PTBorderStyle alloc] initWithS: e_ptsolid b_width: 1 b_hr: 10 b_vr: 20] oldStyleOnly: YES];
        [txtannot SetQuaddingFormat: 0];
        [first_page AnnotPushBack: txtannot];
        [txtannot RefreshAppearance];
        PTFreeText *txtannot = [PTFreeText Create: [doc GetSDFDoc] pos: [[PTPDFRect alloc] initWithX1: 100 y1: 100 x2: 350 y2: 500]];
        [txtannot SetContentRect: [[PTPDFRect alloc] initWithX1: 200 y1: 200 x2: 350 y2: 500]];
        [txtannot SetContents: @"\n\nSome swift brown fox snatched a gray hare out of the air by freezing it with an angry glare."
                               "\n\nAha!\n\nAnd there was much rejoicing!"];
        [txtannot SetCalloutLinePointsWithKneePoint: [[PTPDFPoint alloc] initWithPx: 200 py: 300] p2: [[PTPDFPoint alloc] initWithPx: 150 py: 290] p3: [[PTPDFPoint alloc] initWithPx: 110 py: 110]];
        //std::vector<double> dash( 2, 2.0 );
        [txtannot SetBorderStyle: [[PTBorderStyle alloc] initWithS: e_ptsolid b_width: 1 b_hr: 10 b_vr: 20 ] oldStyleOnly: YES];
        [txtannot SetEndingStyle: e_ptClosedArrow];
        [txtannot SetColor: [[PTColorPt alloc] initWithX: 0 y: 1 z: 0 w: 0] numcomp: 3];
        [txtannot SetQuaddingFormat: 1];
        [first_page AnnotPushBack: txtannot];
        [txtannot RefreshAppearance];
        PTFreeText *txtannot = [PTFreeText Create: [doc GetSDFDoc] pos: [[PTPDFRect alloc] initWithX1: 400 y1: 10 x2: 550 y2: 400]];
        [txtannot SetContents: @"\n\nSome swift brown fox snatched a gray hare out of the air by freezing it with an angry glare."
                               "\n\nAha!\n\nAnd there was much rejoicing!"];
        [txtannot SetBorderStyle: [[PTBorderStyle alloc] initWithS: e_ptsolid b_width: 1 b_hr: 10 b_vr: 20 ] oldStyleOnly: YES];
        [txtannot SetColor: [[PTColorPt alloc] initWithX: 0 y: 0 z: 1 w: 0] numcomp: 3];
        [txtannot SetOpacity: 0.2 ];
        [txtannot SetQuaddingFormat: 2];
        [first_page AnnotPushBack: txtannot];
        [txtannot RefreshAppearance];

    PTPage *page = [doc PageCreate: [[PTPDFRect alloc] initWithX1: 0 y1: 0 x2: 600 y2: 600]];
    [doc PagePushBack: page];
    [ew WriterBeginWithPage: page placement: e_ptoverlay page_coord_sys: YES compress: YES resources: NULL];    // begin writing to this page
    [eb Reset: [[PTGState alloc] init]];            // Reset the GState to default
    [ew End];  // save changes to the current page

        //Create a Line annotation...
        PTLineAnnot *line=[PTLineAnnot Create: [doc GetSDFDoc] pos: [[PTPDFRect alloc] initWithX1: 250 y1: 250 x2: 400 y2: 400]];
        [line SetStartPoint: [[PTPDFPoint alloc] initWithPx: 350 py: 270]];
        [line SetEndPoint: [[PTPDFPoint alloc] initWithPx: 260 py: 370]];
        [line SetStartStyle: e_ptl_Square];
        [line SetEndStyle: e_ptl_Circle];
        [line SetColor: [[PTColorPt alloc] initWithX: 0.3 y: 0.5 z: 0 w: 0] numcomp: 3];
        [line SetContents: @"Dashed Captioned"];
        [line SetShowCaption: YES];
        [line SetCaptionPosition: e_ptTop ];
        NSMutableArray *dash = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity: 2];
        [dash addObject: @2.0];
        [dash addObject: @2.0];
        [line SetBorderStyle: [[PTBorderStyle alloc] initWithS: e_ptdashed b_width: 2 b_hr: 0 b_vr: 0 b_dash: dash] oldStyleOnly: NO];
        [line RefreshAppearance];
        [page AnnotPushBack: line];
        PTLineAnnot *line=[PTLineAnnot Create: [doc GetSDFDoc] pos: [[PTPDFRect alloc] initWithX1: 347 y1: 377 x2: 600 y2: 600]];
        [line SetStartPoint: [[PTPDFPoint alloc] initWithPx: 385 py: 410]];
        [line SetEndPoint: [[PTPDFPoint alloc] initWithPx: 540 py: 555]];
        [line SetStartStyle: e_ptl_Circle];
        [line SetEndStyle: e_ptOpenArrow];
        [line SetColor: [[PTColorPt alloc] initWithX: 1 y: 0 z: 0 w: 0] numcomp: 3];
        [line SetContents: @"Inline Caption"];
        [line SetShowCaption: YES];
        [line SetCaptionPosition: e_ptInline ];
        [line SetLeaderLineExtensionLength: 4];
        [line SetLeaderLineLength: -12 ];
        [line SetLeaderLineOffset: 2];
        [line RefreshAppearance];
        [page AnnotPushBack: line];
        PTLineAnnot *line=[PTLineAnnot Create: [doc GetSDFDoc] pos: [[PTPDFRect alloc] initWithX1: 10 y1: 400 x2: 200 y2: 600]];
        [line SetStartPoint: [[PTPDFPoint alloc] initWithPx: 25 py: 426]];
        [line SetEndPoint: [[PTPDFPoint alloc] initWithPx: 180 py: 555]];
        [line SetStartStyle: e_ptl_Circle];
        [line SetEndStyle: e_ptl_Square];
        [line SetColor: [[PTColorPt alloc] initWithX: 0 y: 0 z: 1 w: 0] numcomp: 3];
        [line SetInteriorColor: [[PTColorPt alloc] initWithX: 1 y: 0 z: 0 w: 0] CompNum: 3];
        [line SetContents: @"Offset Caption"];
        [line SetShowCaption: YES];
        [line SetCaptionPosition: e_ptTop ];
        [line SetTextHOffset: -60];
        [line SetTextVOffset: 10];
        [line RefreshAppearance];
        [page AnnotPushBack: line];
        PTLineAnnot *line=[PTLineAnnot Create: [doc GetSDFDoc] pos: [[PTPDFRect alloc] initWithX1: 200 y1: 10 x2: 400 y2: 70]];
        [line SetStartPoint: [[PTPDFPoint alloc] initWithPx: 220 py: 25]];
        [line SetEndPoint: [[PTPDFPoint alloc] initWithPx: 370 py: 60]];
        [line SetStartStyle: e_ptButt];
        [line SetEndStyle: e_ptOpenArrow];
        [line SetColor: [[PTColorPt alloc] initWithX: 0 y: 0 z: 1 w: 0] numcomp: 3];
        [line SetContents: @"Regular Caption"];
        [line SetShowCaption: YES];
        [line SetCaptionPosition: e_ptTop ];
        [line RefreshAppearance];
        [page AnnotPushBack: line];    
        PTLineAnnot *line=[PTLineAnnot Create: [doc GetSDFDoc] pos: [[PTPDFRect alloc] initWithX1: 200 y1: 70 x2: 400 y2: 130]];
        [line SetStartPoint: [[PTPDFPoint alloc] initWithPx: 220 py: 111]];
        [line SetEndPoint: [[PTPDFPoint alloc] initWithPx: 370 py: 78]];
        [line SetStartStyle: e_ptl_Circle];
        [line SetEndStyle: e_ptDiamond];
        [line SetContents: @"Circle to Diamond"];
        [line SetColor: [[PTColorPt alloc] initWithX: 0 y: 0 z: 1 w: 0] numcomp: 3];
        [line SetInteriorColor: [[PTColorPt alloc] initWithX: 0 y: 1 z: 0 w: 0] CompNum: 3];
        [line SetShowCaption: YES];
        [line SetCaptionPosition: e_ptTop];
        [line RefreshAppearance];
        [page AnnotPushBack: line];
        PTLineAnnot *line=[PTLineAnnot Create: [doc GetSDFDoc] pos: [[PTPDFRect alloc] initWithX1: 10 y1: 100 x2: 160 y2: 200]];
        [line SetStartPoint: [[PTPDFPoint alloc] initWithPx: 15 py: 110]];
        [line SetEndPoint: [[PTPDFPoint alloc] initWithPx: 150 py: 190]];
        [line SetStartStyle: e_ptSlash];
        [line SetEndStyle: e_ptClosedArrow];
        [line SetContents: @"Slash to CArrow"];
        [line SetColor: [[PTColorPt alloc] initWithX: 1 y: 0 z: 0 w: 0] numcomp: 3];
        [line SetInteriorColor: [[PTColorPt alloc] initWithX: 0 y: 1 z: 1 w: 0] CompNum: 3];
        [line SetShowCaption: YES];
        [line SetCaptionPosition: e_ptTop];
        [line RefreshAppearance];
        [page AnnotPushBack: line];
        PTLineAnnot *line=[PTLineAnnot Create: [doc GetSDFDoc] pos: [[PTPDFRect alloc] initWithX1: 270 y1: 270 x2: 570 y2: 433]];
        [line SetStartPoint: [[PTPDFPoint alloc] initWithPx: 300 py: 400]];
        [line SetEndPoint: [[PTPDFPoint alloc] initWithPx: 550 py: 300]];
        [line SetStartStyle: e_ptRClosedArrow];
        [line SetEndStyle: e_ptROpenArrow];
        [line SetContents: @"ROpen & RClosed arrows"];
        [line SetColor: [[PTColorPt alloc] initWithX: 0 y: 0 z: 1 w: 0] numcomp: 3];
        [line SetInteriorColor: [[PTColorPt alloc] initWithX: 0 y: 1 z: 0 w: 0] CompNum: 3];
        [line SetShowCaption: YES];
        [line SetCaptionPosition: e_ptTop];
        [line RefreshAppearance];
        [page AnnotPushBack: line];
        PTLineAnnot *line=[PTLineAnnot Create: [doc GetSDFDoc] pos: [[PTPDFRect alloc] initWithX1: 195 y1: 395 x2: 205 y2: 505]];
        [line SetStartPoint: [[PTPDFPoint alloc] initWithPx: 200 py: 400]];
        [line SetEndPoint: [[PTPDFPoint alloc] initWithPx: 200 py: 500]];
        [line RefreshAppearance];
        [page AnnotPushBack: line];
        PTLineAnnot *line=[PTLineAnnot Create: [doc GetSDFDoc] pos: [[PTPDFRect alloc] initWithX1: 55 y1: 299 x2: 150 y2: 301]];
        [line SetStartPoint: [[PTPDFPoint alloc] initWithPx: 55 py: 300]];
        [line SetEndPoint: [[PTPDFPoint alloc] initWithPx: 155 py: 300]];
        [line SetStartStyle: e_ptl_Circle];
        [line SetEndStyle: e_ptl_Circle];
        [line SetContents: @"Caption that's longer than its line."];
        [line SetColor: [[PTColorPt alloc] initWithX: 1 y: 0 z: 1 w: 0] numcomp: 3];
        [line SetInteriorColor: [[PTColorPt alloc] initWithX: 0 y: 1 z: 0 w: 0] CompNum: 3];
        [line SetShowCaption: YES];
        [line SetCaptionPosition: e_ptTop];
        [line RefreshAppearance];
        [page AnnotPushBack: line];
        PTLineAnnot *line=[PTLineAnnot Create: [doc GetSDFDoc] pos: [[PTPDFRect alloc] initWithX1: 300 y1: 200 x2: 290 y2: 234]];
        [line SetStartPoint: [[PTPDFPoint alloc] initWithPx: 310 py: 210]];
        [line SetEndPoint: [[PTPDFPoint alloc] initWithPx: 380 py: 220]];
        [line SetColor: [[PTColorPt alloc] initWithX: 0 y: 0 z: 0 w: 0] numcomp: 3];
        [line RefreshAppearance];
        [page AnnotPushBack: line];

    PTPage *page3 = [doc PageCreate: [[PTPDFRect alloc] initWithX1: 0 y1: 0 x2: 600 y2: 600]];
    [ew WriterBeginWithPage: page3 placement: e_ptoverlay page_coord_sys: YES compress: YES resources: NULL];    // begin writing to the page
    [ew End];  // save changes to the current page
    [doc PagePushBack: page3];
        PTCircle *circle=[PTCircle Create: [doc GetSDFDoc] pos: [[PTPDFRect alloc] initWithX1: 300 y1: 300 x2: 390 y2: 350]];
        [circle SetColor: [[PTColorPt alloc] initWithX: 0 y: 0 z: 0 w: 0] numcomp: 3];
        [circle RefreshAppearance];
        [page3 AnnotPushBack: circle];
        PTCircle *circle=[PTCircle Create: [doc GetSDFDoc] pos: [[PTPDFRect alloc] initWithX1: 100 y1: 100 x2: 200 y2: 200]];
        [circle SetColor: [[PTColorPt alloc] initWithX: 0 y: 1 z: 0 w: 0] numcomp: 3];
        [circle SetInteriorColor: [[PTColorPt alloc] initWithX: 0 y: 0 z: 1 w: 0] CompNum: 3];
        NSMutableArray *dash = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity: 2];
        [dash addObject: @2.0];
        [dash addObject: @4.0];
        [circle SetBorderStyle: [[PTBorderStyle alloc] initWithS: e_ptdashed b_width: 3 b_hr: 0 b_vr: 0 b_dash: dash] oldStyleOnly: NO];
        [circle SetPadding: 2];
        [circle RefreshAppearance];
        [page3 AnnotPushBack: circle];
        PTSquare *sq = [PTSquare Create: [doc GetSDFDoc] pos: [[PTPDFRect alloc] initWithX1: 10 y1: 200 x2: 80 y2: 300]];
        [sq SetColor: [[PTColorPt alloc] initWithX: 0 y: 0 z: 0 w: 0] numcomp: 3]; 
        [sq RefreshAppearance];
        [page3 AnnotPushBack: sq];
        PTSquare *sq = [PTSquare Create: [doc GetSDFDoc] pos: [[PTPDFRect alloc] initWithX1: 500 y1: 200 x2: 580 y2: 300]];
        [sq SetColor: [[PTColorPt alloc] initWithX: 1 y: 0 z: 0 w: 0] numcomp: 3]; 
        [sq SetInteriorColor: [[PTColorPt alloc] initWithX: 0 y: 1 z: 1 w: 0] CompNum: 3];
        NSMutableArray *dash = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity: 2];
        [dash addObject: @4.0];
        [dash addObject: @2.0];
        [sq SetBorderStyle: [[PTBorderStyle alloc] initWithS: e_ptdashed b_width: 6 b_hr: 0 b_vr: 0 b_dash: dash] oldStyleOnly: NO];
        [sq SetPadding: 4];
        [sq RefreshAppearance];
        [page3 AnnotPushBack: sq];
        PTPolygon *poly = [PTPolygon Create: [doc GetSDFDoc] pos: [[PTPDFRect alloc] initWithX1: 5 y1: 500 x2: 125 y2: 590]];
        [poly SetColor: [[PTColorPt alloc] initWithX: 1 y: 0 z: 0 w: 0] numcomp: 3]; 
        [poly SetInteriorColor: [[PTColorPt alloc] initWithX: 1 y: 1 z: 0 w: 0] CompNum: 3];
        [poly SetVertex: 0 pt: [[PTPDFPoint alloc] initWithPx: 12 py: 510]];
        [poly SetVertex: 1 pt: [[PTPDFPoint alloc] initWithPx: 100 py: 510]];
        [poly SetVertex: 2 pt: [[PTPDFPoint alloc] initWithPx: 100 py: 555]];
        [poly SetVertex: 3 pt: [[PTPDFPoint alloc] initWithPx: 35 py: 544]];
        [poly SetBorderStyle: [[PTBorderStyle alloc] initWithS: e_ptsolid b_width: 4 b_hr: 0 b_vr: 0] oldStyleOnly: NO];
        [poly SetPadding: 4];
        [poly RefreshAppearance];
        [page3 AnnotPushBack: poly];
        PTPolygon *poly = [PTPolygon Create: [doc GetSDFDoc] pos: [[PTPDFRect alloc] initWithX1: 400 y1: 10 x2: 500 y2: 90]];
        [poly SetColor: [[PTColorPt alloc] initWithX: 1 y: 0 z: 0 w: 0] numcomp: 3]; 
        [poly SetInteriorColor: [[PTColorPt alloc] initWithX: 0 y: 1 z: 0 w: 0] CompNum: 3];
        [poly SetVertex: 0 pt: [[PTPDFPoint alloc] initWithPx: 405 py: 20]];
        [poly SetVertex: 1 pt: [[PTPDFPoint alloc] initWithPx: 440 py: 40]];
        [poly SetVertex: 2 pt: [[PTPDFPoint alloc] initWithPx: 410 py: 60]];
        [poly SetVertex: 3 pt: [[PTPDFPoint alloc] initWithPx: 470 py: 80]];
        [poly SetBorderStyle: [[PTBorderStyle alloc] initWithS: e_ptsolid b_width: 2 b_hr: 0 b_vr: 0] oldStyleOnly: NO];
        [poly SetPadding: 4];
        [poly SetStartStyle: e_ptRClosedArrow];
        [poly SetEndStyle: e_ptClosedArrow];
        [poly RefreshAppearance];
        [page3 AnnotPushBack: poly];
        PTLink *lk = [PTLink Create: [doc GetSDFDoc] pos: [[PTPDFRect alloc] initWithX1: 5 y1: 5 x2: 55 y2: 24]];
        //lk.SetColor( ColorPt(0,1,0), 3 );
        [lk RefreshAppearance];
        [page3 AnnotPushBack: lk];

    PTPage *page4 = [doc PageCreate: [[PTPDFRect alloc] initWithX1: 0 y1: 0 x2: 600 y2: 600]];
    [ew WriterBeginWithPage: page4 placement: e_ptoverlay page_coord_sys: YES compress: YES resources: NULL];    // begin writing to the page
    [ew End];  // save changes to the current page
    [doc PagePushBack: page4];

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    int ipage;
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        [txt SetContents: @"User defined icon, unrecognized by appearance generator"];
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        [ink SetPoint: 0 pointindex: 0 pt: [[PTPDFPoint alloc] initWithPx: 100 py: 400]];
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    int ipage1;
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        double px = 5, py = 520;
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            [st SetContents: [st GetIconName]];
            [st SetRect: [[PTPDFRect alloc] initWithX1: px y1: py x2: px+100 y2: py+25]];
                py = py - 100;
                if( py < 0 ) {
                    py = 520;
                    px = px + 200;
                if( ipage == 0 )
                    //[page7 AnnotPushBack: st];
                else {
                    [page8 AnnotPushBack: st];
                    [st RefreshAppearance];
    PTRubberStamp *st = [PTRubberStamp Create: [doc GetSDFDoc] pos: [[PTPDFRect alloc] initWithX1: 400 y1: 5 x2: 550 y2: 45] icon: e_ptDraft];
    [st SetRubberStampIconName: @"UserStamp"];
    [st SetContents: @"User defined stamp"];
    [page8 AnnotPushBack: st];
    [st RefreshAppearance];

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    @autoreleasepool {
        int ret = 0;
        [PTPDFNet Initialize: 0];

            PTPDFDoc *doc = [[PTPDFDoc alloc] initWithFilepath: @"../../TestFiles/numbered.pdf"];
            [doc InitSecurityHandler];

            // An example of using SDF/Cos API to add any type of annotations.
            [doc SaveToFile: @"../../TestFiles/Output/annotation_test1.pdf" flags: e_ptlinearized];
            NSLog(@"%@", @"Done. Results saved in annotation_test1.pdf");

            // An example of using the high-level PDFNet API to read existing annotations,
            // to edit existing annotations, and to create new annotation from scratch.
            [doc SaveToFile: @"../../TestFiles/Output/annotation_test2.pdf" flags: e_ptlinearized];
            NSLog(@"%@", @"Done. Results saved in annotation_test2.pdf");

            // an example of creating various annotations in a brand new document
            PTPDFDoc *doc1 = [[PTPDFDoc alloc] init];
            CreateTestAnnots( doc1 );
            [doc1 SaveToFile: @"../../TestFiles/Output/new_annot_test_api.pdf" flags: e_ptlinearized];
            NSLog(@"%@", @"Saved new_annot_test_api.pdf");
        @catch(NSException *e)
            NSLog(@"%@", e.reason);
            ret = 1;
        [PTPDFNet Terminate: 0];
        return ret;