Namespace: SelectionAlgorithm

Core.Annotations. SelectionAlgorithm

Represents static utility functions to determine hit testing for annotations.
Name Type Default Description
canvasVisibilityPadding number 5 Defines a padding for the canvas visibility test algorithm. Increase this value to make selection more forgiving.


boundingRectTest(annotation, x, y, zoom)

Tests if the provided x and y coordinate is within the annotation's bounding rectangle (x, y, width, height).
Name Type Description
annotation Core.Annotations.Annotation
x number the x-coordinate of the point to test, in page coordinates
y number the y-coordinate of the point to test, in page coordinates
zoom number the zoom level to use in the calculation if the annotation has a no zoom property
true if the provided point is a hit on the annotation

canvasVisibilityTest(annotation, x, y)

Tests if the provided x and y coordinate is a visible point on the canvas.
Name Type Description
annotation Core.Annotations.Annotation
x number the x-coordinate of the point to test, in page coordinates
y number the y-coordinate of the point to test, in page coordinates
true if the provided point is a hit on the annotation

insidePolygonTest(annotation, x, y, pageMatrix, zoom)

Tests if the provided x and y coordinate is inside of the provided polygon annotation
Name Type Description
annotation Core.Annotations.PolygonAnnotation The polygon annotation
x number The x-coordinate of the point to test, in page coordinates
y number The y-coordinate of the point to test, in page coordinates
pageMatrix object The page matrix for the page that the annotation is on.
zoom number The zoom level to use in the calculation if the annotation has a no zoom property

textQuadTest(annotation, x, y)

Tests if the provided x and y coordinate is within a text Quad of the provided text-based annotation.
Name Type Description
annotation Core.Annotations.TextMarkupAnnotation the text markup annotation
x number the x-coordinate of the point to test, in page coordinates
y number the y-coordinate of the point to test, in page coordinates
true if the provided point is a hit on the annotation