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pdftron::PDF::WebPageSettings Class Reference

#include <HTML2PDF.h>

Public Types

enum  ErrorHandling { e_abort, e_skip, e_ignore }

Public Member Functions

 WebPageSettings ()
 ~WebPageSettings ()
void SetPrintBackground (bool background)
void SetLoadImages (bool load)
void SetAllowJavaScript (bool enable)
void SetSmartShrinking (bool enable)
void SetMinimumFontSize (int size)
void SetDefaultEncoding (const UString &encoding)
void SetUserStyleSheet (const UString &url)
void SetAllowPlugins (bool enable)
void SetPrintMediaType (bool print)
void SetIncludeInOutline (bool include)
void SetUsername (const UString &username)
void SetPassword (const UString &password)
void SetJavaScriptDelay (int msec)
void SetConvertDelay (int msec)
void SetTimeout (int msec)
void SetZoom (double zoom)
void SetBlockLocalFileAccess (bool block)
void SetStopSlowScripts (bool stop)
void SetDebugJavaScriptOutput (bool forward)
void SetLoadErrorHandling (ErrorHandling type)
void SetExternalLinks (bool convert)
void SetInternalLinks (bool convert)
void SetProduceForms (bool forms)
void SetProxy (const Proxy &proxy)
void Destroy ()

Detailed Description

Settings that control how a web page is opened and converted to PDF.

Definition at line 473 of file HTML2PDF.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

How to handle objects that failed to load.

type- If e_abort then conversion process is aborted, if e_skip then the converter will not add this web page to the PDF output, and if e_skip then the converter will try to add this web page to the PDF output.
This option is deprecated in the latest HTML2PDF module and may have no effect.

Definition at line 660 of file HTML2PDF.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

pdftron::PDF::WebPageSettings::WebPageSettings ( )

Default constructor

pdftron::PDF::WebPageSettings::~WebPageSettings ( )


Member Function Documentation

void pdftron::PDF::WebPageSettings::Destroy ( )

Frees the native memory of the object.

void pdftron::PDF::WebPageSettings::SetAllowJavaScript ( bool  enable)

Allow javascript from this web page to be run.

enable- If true javascript's are allowed.
void pdftron::PDF::WebPageSettings::SetAllowPlugins ( bool  enable)

Allow Netscape and flash plugins from this web page to be run. Enabling will have limited success.

enable- If true Netscape & flash plugins will be run.
This option is deprecated in the latest HTML2PDF module and may have no effect.
void pdftron::PDF::WebPageSettings::SetBlockLocalFileAccess ( bool  block)

Allow local and piped files access to other local files. By default local file access is blocked due to security concerns.

block- If true local files will be inaccessible. If false they will be be accessible which should only be used if the html is trusted.
void pdftron::PDF::WebPageSettings::SetConvertDelay ( int  msec)

Amount of time to wait before starting to convert html to pdf. Converter will wait msec milliseconds before calling convert.

msec- Time to wait in milliseconds, e.g. 1200.
void pdftron::PDF::WebPageSettings::SetDebugJavaScriptOutput ( bool  forward)

Forward javascript warnings and errors to output.

forward- If true javascript errors and warnings will be forwarded to stdout and the log.
This option is deprecated in the latest HTML2PDF module and may have no effect.
void pdftron::PDF::WebPageSettings::SetDefaultEncoding ( const UString encoding)

Default encoding to be used when not specified by the web page.

encoding- Default encoding, e.g. utf-8 or iso-8859-1.
available encodings are Apple Roman, Big5, Big5-HKSCS, CP949, EUC-JP, EUC-KR, GB18030-0, IBM 850, IBM 866, IBM 874, ISO 2022-JP, ISO 8859-1 to 10, ISO 8859-13 to 16, Iscii-Bng, Dev, Gjr, Knd, Mlm, Ori, Pnj, Tlg, Tml, JIS X 0201, JIS X 0208, KOI8-R, KOI8-U, MuleLao-1, ROMAN8, Shift-JIS, TIS-620, TSCII, UTF-8, UTF-16, UTF-16BE, UTF-16LE, UTF-32, UTF-32BE, UTF-32LE, Windows-1250 to 1258, WINSAMI2.
This option is deprecated in the latest HTML2PDF module and may have no effect.
void pdftron::PDF::WebPageSettings::SetExternalLinks ( bool  convert)

Convert external links in HTML document to external PDF links.

convert- If true PDF pages produced from this web page can have external links.
This option is deprecated in the latest HTML2PDF module and may have no effect.
void pdftron::PDF::WebPageSettings::SetIncludeInOutline ( bool  include)

Add sections from this web page to the outline and table of contents.

include- If true PDF pages created from this web page will show up in the outline, and table of contents, otherwise, produced PDF pages will be excluded.
This option is deprecated in the latest HTML2PDF module and may have no effect.
void pdftron::PDF::WebPageSettings::SetInternalLinks ( bool  convert)

Convert internal links in HTML document into PDF references.

convert- If true PDF pages produced from this web page will have links to other PDF pages.
This option is deprecated in the latest HTML2PDF module and may have no effect.
void pdftron::PDF::WebPageSettings::SetJavaScriptDelay ( int  msec)

Amount of time to wait for a web page to start printing after it's completed loading. Converter will wait a maximum of msec milliseconds for javascript to call window.print().

msec- Maximum wait time in milliseconds, e.g. 1200.
void pdftron::PDF::WebPageSettings::SetLoadErrorHandling ( ErrorHandling  type)
void pdftron::PDF::WebPageSettings::SetLoadImages ( bool  load)

Print the images of this web page.

load- If true images are printed.
This option is deprecated in the latest HTML2PDF module and may have no effect.
void pdftron::PDF::WebPageSettings::SetMinimumFontSize ( int  size)

Set the smallest font size allowed, e.g 9.

size- No fonts will appear smaller than this.
This option is deprecated in the latest HTML2PDF module and may have no effect.
void pdftron::PDF::WebPageSettings::SetPassword ( const UString password)

HTTP authentication password to use when logging into the website.

password- The login password to use with the server, e.g. "elbarto".
void pdftron::PDF::WebPageSettings::SetPrintBackground ( bool  background)

Print the background of this web page.

background- If true background is printed.
void pdftron::PDF::WebPageSettings::SetPrintMediaType ( bool  print)

Controls how content will be printed from this web page.

print- If true the print media type will be used, otherwise the screen media type will be used to print content.
This option is deprecated in the latest HTML2PDF module and may have no effect.
void pdftron::PDF::WebPageSettings::SetProduceForms ( bool  forms)

Turn HTML forms into PDF forms.

forms- If true PDF pages produced from this web page will have PDF forms for any HTML forms the web page has.
This option is deprecated in the latest HTML2PDF module and may have no effect.
void pdftron::PDF::WebPageSettings::SetProxy ( const Proxy proxy)

Use this proxy to load content from this web page.

proxy- Contains settings for proxy
void pdftron::PDF::WebPageSettings::SetSmartShrinking ( bool  enable)

Allow intelligent shrinking to fit more content per page.

enable- If true intelligent shrinking is enabled and the pixel/dpi ratio is non constant.
This option is deprecated in the latest HTML2PDF module and may have no effect.
void pdftron::PDF::WebPageSettings::SetStopSlowScripts ( bool  stop)

Stop slow running javascript's.

stop- If true, slow running javascript's will be stopped.
This option is deprecated in the latest HTML2PDF module and may have no effect.
void pdftron::PDF::WebPageSettings::SetTimeout ( int  msec)

Amount of time to wait in milliseconds for the entire converting and printing process. If conversion doesn't finish before the timeout, it will be cancelled and no output is expected. Default 120,000 ms.

msec– Maximum timeout in milliseconds.
void pdftron::PDF::WebPageSettings::SetUsername ( const UString username)

HTTP authentication username to use when logging into the website.

username- The login name to use with the server, e.g. "bart".
void pdftron::PDF::WebPageSettings::SetUserStyleSheet ( const UString url)

Url or path to user specified style sheet.

url- URL or file path to user style sheet to be used with this web page.
This option is deprecated in the latest HTML2PDF module and may have no effect.
void pdftron::PDF::WebPageSettings::SetZoom ( double  zoom)

Zoom factor to use when loading object.

zoom- How much to magnify the web content by, e.g. 2.2.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: